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Recent Google Cloud Platform Issues

9/13/2024 : Google Compute Engine (GCE) VM instance creation/ deletion and all related operations for other products were failing in the asia-northeast1 region. : Details
9/11/2024 : Google Cloud Interconnect experienced elevated packet loss from Hyderabad, India edge location to regions asia-south1, asia-south2, and asia-southeast1 : Details
9/10/2024 : Some VPC users experienced multiple issues in northamerica-northeast2-c zone : Details
9/10/2024 : Looker Studio users are experiencing elevated query performance when loading and accessing reports. : Details
9/10/2024 : Looker Studio users are experiencing elevated query performance when loading and accessing reports. : Details
9/5/2024 : Global: Multiple Cloud Products Experiencing Deployment Failures : Details
9/4/2024 : GCVE experienced intermittent connectivity issues : Details
9/4/2024 : Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) customers located in us-central1 may observe an issue with VPC Service Controls for newly created VMs or networks. : Details
9/4/2024 : This issue is believed to be affecting a very small number of projects and our Engineering Team is working on it. If you have questions or are impacted, please open a case with the Support Team and we will work with you until this issue is resolved. No further updates will be provided here. We thank you for your patience while we are working on resolving the issue. : Details
8/27/2024 : Slowness in the UDM search queries and delayed rule detections in europe multiregion. : Details

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