
Is Codefresh Down?

Codefresh Status is Up

No Ongoing Codefresh Outages

Codefresh is not down right now. Get notified about future Codefresh downtime.

Recent Codefresh Issues

2024-11-14T03:07:13.749Z : Some Codefresh Classic builds failed to start or terminated incorrectly Details
2024-11-03T08:11:43.999Z : General UI Slowness Details

Monitor all Codefresh components and regions

Codefresh 3rd Party Services that Codefresh does not depend on:
Codefresh AWS
AWS apigateway-us-east-1
AWS autoscaling-us-east-1
AWS cloudwatch-us-east-1
AWS ec2-us-east-1
AWS ecr-us-east-1
AWS eks-us-east-1
AWS elb-us-east-1
AWS kms-us-east-1
AWS rds-us-east-1
AWS route53-us-east-1
AWS sso-us-east-1
Codefresh Atlassian Bitbucket
Atlassian Bitbucket API
Atlassian Bitbucket Git via HTTPS
Atlassian Bitbucket Webhooks
Codefresh Codefresh Systems
Codefresh API
Codefresh Classic Datadog Enpoint
Codefresh Classic GitOps Dashboard
Codefresh Classic Pipeline Engine
Codefresh Classic SLA
Codefresh Classic Steps Marketplace
Codefresh Classic UI
Codefresh Classic Webhook Endpoints
Codefresh Documentation
Codefresh File Distribution
Codefresh GitOps Metadata and Metrics
Codefresh GitOps SLA
Codefresh GitOps UI
Codefresh Helm Museum
Codefresh Hosted GitOps Services
Codefresh GCP
Google Cloud Platform Cloud Filestore
Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud DNS
Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud Networking
Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud Storage
Google Cloud Platform Google Container Engine
Google Cloud Platform Google Kubernetes Engine
Google Cloud Platform Identity & Access Management
Google Cloud Platform Identity & Security
Codefresh GitHub
GitHub API Requests
GitHub Actions
GitHub Pull Requests
GitHub Webhooks
Codefresh NPM
npm Package installation
npm Package publishing
npm Package search
Codefresh Other External Services
Codefresh Zendesk page
Docker System Status
Intercom Intercom Web Application
Stripe API
Codefresh SSO Login Providers
Login via Azure
Login via BitBucket
Login via Codefresh
Login via Corporate
Login via GitHub
Login via GitLab
Login via Google
Login via LDAP
more ...
to monitor all Codefresh components

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Codefresh down right now?

No, Codefresh is not reporting any issues.

How can I check if Codefresh is experiencing technical issues?

You can check if Codefresh is experiencing technical issues or service degradation by checking their official status page or by checking this page.

How can I stay updated on Codefresh's status?

You can stay updated on Codefresh's status by creating an account at IncidentHub. IncidentHub will notify you when Codefresh has an outage and when it's back up. Click here to create a free account.

Where can I find Codefresh's official status page?

You can visit Codefresh's official status page by clicking on this link.

How do you detect Codefresh outages?

We detect outages and maintenance events by monitoring Codefresh's official status page periodically.

What services other than Codefresh do you monitor?

Apart from Codefresh, we monitor hundreds of Cloud and SaaS status pages. Click this link to see the complete list of services.

Visit the official Codefresh status page