Atlassian Developer

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Atlassian Developer

Recent Atlassian Developer Issues

2024-09-25T16:34:25.000Z : Intermittent failures observed in Marketplace Reporting APIs : Details
2024-09-17T09:57:31.000Z : Addressing issue in saleType field in transactions API : Details
2024-09-15T13:50:37.000Z : Forge app installations failing on Jira and Confluence with "Error performing sync with Connect" : Details
2024-09-14T02:00:02.000Z : Scheduled Maintenance May Cause Failed App Installations/Upgrades/Subscriptions for Some Sites : Details
2024-09-13T11:15:30.000Z : JSM apps using user impersonation on JSM Customers impacted by a change : Details
2024-09-10T10:02:29.000Z : Developers may experience issues with creating apps and viewing them via Developer Console : Details
2024-09-10T00:15:10.000Z : Paid Forge Apps not getting installed on some sites : Details
2024-09-05T05:30:00.000Z : Loss of Migration data of a few apps that opted in for Dual Licensing on the marketplace UI : Details
2024-09-04T11:09:10.000Z : Marketplace active install APIs are not working : Details


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